Quick Website Note
Just a quick website note so that everyone understands, this is not a typical website. This site is actually built on a blog site and is designed to work in that manner. We choose this format in order to be able to post the most information about the Stagecoach Market and bring you news that is always up to date where we just could not accomplish the same goals with a standard fare site. Shops and vendors change as do the offerings every week and other variables. With the amount of shops here at the Stagecoach, a standard site would have made posting all the shops along with all the information on them, way to busy and hard to navigate. Some people have found this site to be a bit confusing thinking that this was supposed to be a standard fare website. We hope this clears up that confusion and we hope that you enjoy the site and news that we bring to you each week. In the event you were not aware of it, you can subscribe to this site and get each new posting sent to you right ...