
The Red Geranium, II

Without question, one of the nicest shops here at the Stagecoach Market and run by one of the nicest ladies you could ever hope to meet. Melissa Rodney takes home decor and interior design to a personal level and has created beautiful settings in some of Williamsburg's finest houses. If you need a reason to stop into the Stagecoach, this is surely it. Melissa has her shop open on Thursday and Friday from 1 PM to 4 PM and Saturday and Sunday from 9 AM until 5 PM. In the event that you thought that the Stagecoach Market was nothing more than a flea market, then you are viewing the right information to learn otherwise. Made in the USA is still very much a part of flea market and antiques market life. Yes you will find junk made i China as well here, but you also get made in Germany, made in Japan, and even better yet, made right here in Gloucester. Come and support real Americans with real USA and Gloucester made products and produce.

Battle Of The Hook

Battle Of The Hook Stagecoach Market is a sponsor for the Battle Of The Hook, a revolutionary war reenactment that will be taking place right here in Gloucester and billed as the nation's largest revolutionary war reenactment. Please visit the link above to see more about this event as it will take you right to the website for this event. This should prove to be a great time.

New Site Features

Hello Everyone Just a quick update to let you know we have added some new features to the site. Please let us know what you think of these updates. The first one is a label list. Every post is now listed on the right side in alphabetical order so it also makes it easier to find a particular store information posting. We also added in a new game at the bottom of the screen. (Oh no, now you will never get off the site). We used to have music that played when you first came unto the site, but some people didn't care for the music, so we removed that feature. Well the weekend is coming so it's time to get everything ready for the sales. See you at the the Market. Your Friends at Stagecoach Market

Quick Website Note

Just a quick website note so that everyone understands, this is not a typical website. This site is actually built on a blog site and is designed to work in that manner. We choose this format in order to be able to post the most information about the Stagecoach Market and bring you news that is always up to date where we just could not accomplish the same goals with a standard fare site. Shops and vendors change as do the offerings every week and other variables. With the amount of shops here at the Stagecoach, a standard site would have made posting all the shops along with all the information on them, way to busy and hard to navigate. Some people have found this site to be a bit confusing thinking that this was supposed to be a standard fare website. We hope this clears up that confusion and we hope that you enjoy the site and news that we bring to you each week. In the event you were not aware of it, you can subscribe to this site and get each new posting sent to you right ...

Deep Creek Trading Post

Old time and collectible toys and bottles is what you will find in this great little shop. Despite it's small size, it has a large collection of really nice toys from the good old toys when they made toys that didn't break in 2 minutes after being unpacked. Never mind made in China, buy from an American who has some quality items from yesteryear.

Sonny's Sinkers and More

Sonny's Sinkers and more is a wonderful variety shop filled with all kinds of items to brighten up your home and also supplies for your next fishing trip. Stop by and see Sonny. Browse around and maybe pick up that unique gift you just have not found anywhere else.

The Corner Shoppe

New items in The Corner Shoppe. Come in and browse this tastefully done shop. A great selection of home decor and furnishings. It's hard not to find something to like in here, in fact, it's harder to keep your money in your pocket and walk out with nothing. With the high prices of new items these days and quality not being what it once was, why are you still paying those high prices on new junk when you could be buying better quality goods at lower prices?