Extensive flea market supplies aren't necessary. Having these things to improve your displays, make sales easier, and make you more comfortable can sure make a day at the swamp meet more successful. These swap meet supplies are optional. Having and using them can make your business run smoother and make it more profitable for you. • Markers and poster board or an erasable white board. They make it easy to call attention to your booth, to your flea market displays, and to specials you are offering. • Small stickers for pricing individual items. They lessen sale day confusion for you, your helpers, and your customers. • Newspapers for wrapping breakables. • Bags. They are a convenience that often encourages customers to buy more. Recycled grocery sacks work fine. • Change. Start with a specified amount of small bills and coins. I recommend starting with $100. I consider this mandatory, but I have seen others get by without it. • A secure place to put your money. Use...